fwle salutes women history month

This Women’s History Month we are honored to celebrate women’s contributions to American history, culture and society! President Jimmy Carter said it best in his 1980 Proclamation commemorating the predecessor Women’s History Week: “[T]he achievements, leadership, courage, strength and love of the women who built America was as vital as that of the men whose names we know so well.”

This year we give special applause to all the women who have fought so valiantly on the front lines against COVID-19 – our health care workers, our caregivers, our mothers and teachers, our protectors, our spiritual healers, our community leaders, and on, and on. COVID-19 has underscored how crucial women are to our social welfare. At the same time the pandemic has laid bare how disproportionately heavy women’s burdens are. This brutal reality is even more true for women of color.    

Our historical mission for a gender inclusive and equitable society has undeniably made incredible strides, but as a human civilization we have a vast distance to conquer. The Global Gender Gap Report 2020 published by the World Economic Forum projected that at the current rate of change gender parity in political representation will not be achieved for another 99.5 years and in economic opportunity and participation another 257 years – intolerable outcomes!

There has never been a more urgent need for women leaders than NOW! The solutions to these issues are too important – for the sake of all humanity – to leave to politicians and a vocal but valiant minority of advocates. 

To put it bluntly, gender equity is not just an assignment for leaders, whatever their gender. We must ALL stand up for the values of equality and inclusion and do what we can in our respective spheres of influence to advance this mission. Let’s start by raising our voices against gender bias wherever it surfaces in our midst – and supporting organizations and initiatives that will advance women of all colors, creeds, religions and beliefs onward and upward!!  


FWLE Honors Black History Month 2023


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg